Saturday, October 12, 2024

8 is great!! Ava's Baptism

Ava was so excited to have a birthday party and turn 8 and get baptized on her birthday!!

Friday night we had her friends and cousins over for a party. They played minute to win it games.

Made spider cookies.

Took fun pictures with the photo booth.

And did some diamond art stickers. It was such a fun party!

She wanted cupcakes with oreos baked inside, and they were soooo yummy!

Because of General Conference being the first weekend of October, stake baptisms got pushed off to the second Saturday and that just happened to be Ava's very birthday so she was able to get baptized right on her birthday. It was such a wonderful day!

Pancakes for breakfast in bed.

Then presents.

Then her baptism!

She got baptized along with Hazel Pratt and Conner Wilde and it was an absolutely beautiful day!

We had both sides of the family over for J Dawgs and the lunch was so yummy! Then out to Pizza Factory for dinner. And now we are done with birthdays for a while. Phew!


Thursday, October 10, 2024


When we were at the church setting up for Kallie's party, Brandon needed to drive home to grab something and he decided to let Mckinley drive him home. This was her first time driving the car (except maybe once before in the church parking lot) and it's weird to think this is going to be our reality soon!

This has been the most amazing Fall ever. We have had amazing weather and been going on family walks around the neighborhood every single night because the weather has just been so nice! It's October 15th today and it's been 80 degrees almost every single day.

We took a drive up the canyon one day to see the leaves but they weren't very vibrant.

Mckinley, Kallie, and I got these packets of wild flowers from girls camp so we planted them and oh my gosh they are so beautiful and have brought me so much joy!

Mckinley at her championship cross country meet.

Pearl got 1st place and Mckinley got 10th! So proud of them both!

Spent a glorious evening at the park one night playing pickleball, volleyball, soccer, and tossing a frisbee. Our family sure loves going and spending time at parks.

Went through another little marble run phase. I always love it when the kids get out the toys and play with them instead of just being on screens all the time.

Another drive with Mckinley one Sunday after our family bike ride!

Ava and Kayler making "ice cream" out of frozen fruit at Grandma Bishop's house.

The kids all got some new swimsuits in anticipation of our upcoming Hawaii trip!!

Can't get over how cute this kids are walking to school together every morning!

Tyler hates soccer now and I have never loved watching him play more than I do now. He finished out his Fall season and is fighting me on playing indoor soccer this winter.

Kallie and Mckinley's chalk drawing at our combined youth activity.


Friday, September 27, 2024

The twins turn 12!!

These two amazing children are 12!!! We got to sing to them first at a dinner at Ross and Karen's celebrating all the September birthdays.

Tyler and Kallie had a party last year so we normally wouldn't do one this year but boy did they want one bad! So we made it happen. Tyler had his party a day before their birthday. He invited 5 friends and Brandon took them to Top Golf. He had a great time!

Brandon didn't get a good group pic but he had Nico, Maverik, Alex, Merrick, and Nixon there. 

Tyler wanted donuts for his cake.

Pancakes for breakfast on the morning of their birthday.


I checked them out of school and took them to DQ for lunch. They loved it so much!

Pizza Factory for dinner and boy was it yummy!!

Saturday, the day after their birthday, was busy! Kallie had her last soccer game.

We went to a BYU Women's volleyball game.

Tyler building his new lego set.

Then Kallie had her party. She invited a bunch of girls. I think there were maybe 15 who came.

She wanted to go to the church and play volleyball with the giant beach balls again like last year. 

We made a candy salad and popcorn and the girls had a blast playing at the church.

Back home for presents and cake.

Kallie wanted brownies for her cake. Easy peasy!

So glad we could celebrate these two! They are such great kids!!