Friday, September 27, 2024

The twins turn 12!!

These two amazing children are 12!!! We got to sing to them first at a dinner at Ross and Karen's celebrating all the September birthdays.

Tyler and Kallie had a party last year so we normally wouldn't do one this year but boy did they want one bad! So we made it happen. Tyler had his party a day before their birthday. He invited 5 friends and Brandon took them to Top Golf. He had a great time!

Brandon didn't get a good group pic but he had Nico, Maverik, Alex, Merrick, and Nixon there. 

Tyler wanted donuts for his cake.

Pancakes for breakfast on the morning of their birthday.


I checked them out of school and took them to DQ for lunch. They loved it so much!

Pizza Factory for dinner and boy was it yummy!!

Saturday, the day after their birthday, was busy! Kallie had her last soccer game.

We went to a BYU Women's volleyball game.

Tyler building his new lego set.

Then Kallie had her party. She invited a bunch of girls. I think there were maybe 15 who came.

She wanted to go to the church and play volleyball with the giant beach balls again like last year. 

We made a candy salad and popcorn and the girls had a blast playing at the church.

Back home for presents and cake.

Kallie wanted brownies for her cake. Easy peasy!

So glad we could celebrate these two! They are such great kids!! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

August and September

Thompson Orthodontic freezing cold swimming at Lindon pool. I swear it's bad weather for this every year. Still fun memories!

We really enjoyed our month pass at The Hive. Such a fun place!

Kallie played on a co ed soccer team this year with Sophie and Navy with Brandon as the coach. It was such a fun season to watch! Tyler was wishing he signed up.

Yummy dinner at Mooyah's.

Cutie Jackson still napping here and there.

Fun night at Hangtime for an Elementary school spirit night. Ava ran into her friend Piper from school.

Ava is getting so much better at soccer and we had an absolute blast watching her play this season!

Ava has a green thumb and got this huge flower growing from the plant she got back in Kindergarten.

Tyler went on a campout with the Deacon's by Squaw Peak in early September. It was freezing but he survived.

Jackson is absolutely thriving in school, loves it, and is doing so good! And has the best handwriting in his class according to Mrs. Brown.

Saw a random horse and carriage driving through the neighborhood one day.

Mckinley ran cross country at Lakeridge Junior High for the first time and absolutely rocked it! Got a bunch of PR's and has really become a runner! Her first 2 mile race she finished in just under 18 minutes. Her PR was 15:58. So impressive! She placed 10th overall for 9th grade girls at the championship race.

Cute kids walking to school in the mornings.

Ava after she scored a goal in soccer!

Ava loved her soccer team this Fall.