Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Ava's 5th Birthday

This was the first birthday in a long time where we didn't go to the pumpkin patch on Ava's birthday.

Our kids have opted away from requesting a Mickey Mouse pancake for their birthdays. But pancakes for breakfast in bed is still going strong.

Ava had a birthday party this year too which was pretty much a repeat of Tyler and Kallie's party, ha ha. She had a great time with all of her little friends.

Pizza Factory again for dinner!

The day after Ava's birthday started fall break. We had a great time. Carved pumpkins with the cousins.

Went with and brought some of our own friends to Hangtime.

Tried to hit up the Provo Rec indoor playground but it is closed off again for child care so we played outside at the park instead.

Went to Wilkerson's Farm pumpkin patch for the first time (thanks to Lincoln and Megan and Ross and Karen for the free tickets). The kids had a great time.