Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Ava's 6th Birthday!

I have no idea what this picture is, but it's cute so it's getting a spot here.

Mckinley at her first choir concert. She really liked taking choir, but only took it half the year because she had too many other classes she wanted to take.

Ava played soccer with Brandon as her coach. I had to miss some of her games because of conflicts with Tyler's schedule. Overall I wasn't a huge fan of her playing. She's too young still. Which is funny to say because this is already the 2nd time she's played soccer. Hoping to take a year or two off before we sign her up again but time will tell.

Ava and Auri.

This kid. I can't get over how many sleeping pictures we have of him. He won't take naps, but clearly still needs sleep. So he crashes all the time. Mostly when we drive somewhere around dinner time. I can't count how many times we have walked into Del Taco with him asleep on my shoulder.

More soccer fun with Tyler. The kids love hanging out with the Conley's kids while Tyler and Indi play.

Ava and Mai.

Jackson and...can't think of his name right now.

Seriously, there is no shortage of these pictures.

Sand park fun!

And more lake. Can't get enough.

These two cute twinnies taking fun pictures together.

More joy school letters.

Jackson was in the cart at Walmart and then wanted me to hold him and fell asleep on my shoulder. We bought a bunch of squishmallows that day so I was able to lay him down in the cart on all of them. Seriously, this kid! It's so funny.

Mckinley is taking French this year and loving it! Her French class had a party with all sorts of yummy French foods.

Fun park time for joy school one day.

Ava turned 6! This girl is just the best there is. She's so stinking smart and so cute and so fun. I just adore her so much! She does have her moments, and has been having some pretty crazy anxiety/panic attack type experiences every once in a while. Hopefully she grows out of that.

The twins' birthday was so boring that I decided I better just have a birthday party for Ava so we did that. Opening presents in the morning.

I got to go to her class and talk about her and bring a treat. I don't even remember what we brought.

Ava and Harper. Cutest little besties.

I think she requested a mermaid cake or something, and then luckily she was happy with pink cupcakes instead, lol.

The main thing she wanted for her birthday was a pinata so we finally did one. It didn't last long at all. I asked Mckinley to take Jackson to the bathroom right after this picture and they both missed the whole thing. I felt really bad for doing that. Worst timing.

The party honestly felt really crazy and I was so happy for it to be over. These girls were nuts. I told Ava after two years in a row of birthday parties, she is definitely not having one next year, ha ha.

We also went bowling after her party. It was a whirlwind day!