Saturday, December 23, 2023


December was a little up and down. I'd feel really good about how Christmas prep was going, and then I'd be super stressed out by it, ha ha. But for the most part, it was a good month. We never did get any more snow, which was disappointing. And actually we had quite a few warm weather days which was strange for December. And some rainy days. Weird. Anyway, on to the pictures.

Jackson's play group has been a real struggle so I always appreciate pictures of him smiling.

When I picked him up from Cade's house he had to show me his hiding spot behind the couch.

My parents took each family on an experience this year. We got to go out to eat at Golden Corral with them and then went to the movies and saw Wish. It was pretty dumb. But a fun outing anyway. And then because our outing was so cheap (everyone else did either Luminaria or the Ice Castles), we also got to go to Nickel City after Christmas. Fun Christmas present!

Our elf Buddy stepped up his game this year. Because Kallie decided to be in charge, ha ha. It was fun seeing her creativity.

Finally made it to the Orem Temple Open House right before it ended. 

Jackson insisted on a picture up at the top of the stairs outside the library. I love having little kids that are excited about things like this.

Another play group success picture!

The pond outside was absolute glass one day and was just so stunning. I never tire of our view.

Jackson still falling asleep all over the place. I absolutely love it.

A crazy day in church where Mckinley was down on the floor with Jackson and Tyler and Kallie were both laying on the bench, just a couple weeks shy of being in young mens/young womens. It was just so funny to me I had to take a picture.

Ava got a visit from Santa and Mrs. Clause at school.

School Christmas sing. One of my favorite events to attend!

Tyler and Kallie wearing the ugly Christmas sweaters I borrowed for them for their ugly Christmas sweater song. They really didn't want to wear them!

We got to go see Wonka with Agents United. I loved it!

School Christmas class parties! I love the Christmas week of school. This year the kids went to school all the way up to the 21st, which was a Thursday. They had a half day that day, and then Friday off of school and Christmas was Monday. Then two full weeks of school off after that. School doesn't start up again till January 8th! We usually go back right after New Years. I'm loving it. And we are going on a cruise during the first week of school, so this is a really long break and I couldn't be happier!

First grade Christmas singing concert.

Ava's class party.

Jackson actually participated for the first time ever!

We went swimming at the Provo Rec on a whim the Friday before Christmas and it was the most fun time I think we've ever had. The place was empty and it was just awesome!

My aunt Rebecca died unexpectedly a week before Christmas. They think it was a blood clot about a month after having knee replacement surgery. So I went down to Mount Pleasant for her funeral which was 2 days before Christmas. It was absolutely beautiful and the most amazing funeral ever. Really great to see family.

My mom's generation.

Later that evening we hosted my family's Christmas Eve dinner at our house and had a really great time!