Tuesday, January 4, 2022

New Years and Brandon's Birthday

We had a great time at our annual glow/dance/confetti party with Brandon's family at the Church. We had Indian food this time and it was super yummy!

We went to Ross and Karen's on a Sunday and Ava was wearing a dress that matches their couch pillows so she decided to play hide and seek. Ha ha ha.

Ava has been waiting and waiting to start dance and she finally got to do it in January. I was sitting there watching her during her first class and realized that the lady sitting next to me was one of my old college roommates! I hadn't seen her in years and years. So we have a great time chatting each week while our girls dance.

Brandon turned 39! He doesn't eat breakfast these days so to compromise we made breakfast for dinner the night before his birthday and he got it served to him in bed. Gotta keep the breakfast in bed tradition alive!
French toast with homemade coconut syrup! Mmm.....

On his birthday we went to Nickel City and then to Chili's for dinner.

Home for brownies after. He told the kids it was his best birthday ever. He tells them that every year. Brandon hates his birthday. Just sucks being in January and so soon after Christmas.