Monday, April 10, 2023

Houston Cont.

Saturday Chandra had signed up all the kids for an Easter Egg hunt. It was also Chloe's birthday that day so we started the day with breakfast in bed for her and then headed off to this easter egg hunt.

Ended up that the hunt wasn't for two hours after when we thought it was, so after waiting around for an hour and finding out it was another hour away, and the fact that we were freezing our butts off at this park (this was supposed to be one of our warm weather days), we decided to bail and just go to lunch for Chloe's birthday.

They did have some free kites and easter baskets and stuff for the kids and the girls got to see some cute chicks, ducks, and bunnies.

Off to El Tiempo for lunch. The food was soooo freaking good! We had a great time!

Back home for more swimming.

Dinner outside.

Kids watched a movie in the pool/hot tub and then we tried to get them to bed so the Easter bunny could come for Easter the next day.

We hid eggs inside and outside.

Easter morning the kids woke up and checked out their baskets. Chandra was nice enough to get baskets for all our kids in addition to hers.

The kids had a good time finding eggs and eating candy. 

We had yummy breakfast burritos outside and then Chandra did an Easter lesson at home instead of going to Church, and then of course, more swimming.

Sunday was our best weather day and we had planned to go to the zoo but then Kade didn't want to go and Tyler didn't want to go if Kade didn't go and it ended up getting vetoed and we just stayed home and swam all day and had a yummy ham and potato dinner outside that Chandra made.

We did take a Sunday walk to go feed some turtles, but that was about it. Never ended up going to the zoo or even to Buccee's. The kids just wanted to chill and swim and hang out together.

Had a ton of fun riding their gokart and electric bike around the neighborhood.

Tyler got to play some soccer with Kade and his family.

Couldn't get the kids out of the pool.

Brandon, Chandra, and I went off to take a peek at a house they were looking at potentially buying, and this is the beautiful golf course it's on.

Since we didn't get to Buccee's we left and tried to get Texas keychains at a nearby CVS with no luck. We found some in the airport though Monday morning.

Traveling home felt like a breeze. Our layover stayed super short, we just grabbed some donuts in the airport and were on to our next flight.

Besides the crappy weather, the trip was a blast! I would have loved to see more of Houston but the kids and Brandon didn't need anything other than a pool and some cousin time so they were all more than pleased. We would definitely love to go back! Chandra and Roland were the best hosts and lots of fun to be with.

Tyler played in his first soccer game the night we got home. They blew out this other team and Tyler scored two goals! Brandon missed the game because he was busy getting caught back up at work.