Last weekend all the Bishop cousins got together for a reunion. (Minus Dennis and Polly's family, we missed you!) We just went camping up Hobblecreek Canyon and it was so perfect. Nice and close. We only have these reunions every two years so it is always really nice to catch up with everyone. Yeah, Nate, do you agree? :)
Our family didn't have the best representation at the reunion. We kind of felt like orphans without our parents there. But they are having a blast in the MTC.

We played kickball, volleyball, and frisbee football. Here are some pics from those games.
We also played a lot of board games. And that was about it. We ate good food and just hung out with each other but I had such a good time.
On Saturday when we got home Brandon and I made a few trips to Lowes and BJ Plumbing and then Brandon put our shower together and we were finally able to shower at home! It was awesome. The shower looks so good, I really want to post about it but it isn't quite complete yet so I'm waiting for that...