So we went and saw Eclipse last night. Mckinley didn't do quite as well as she did for Prince of Persia. She never did fall asleep very soundly. We didn't have an end seat either so that made things a little harder. But, given her track record of crying {a lot} she actually did pretty well. I was able to watch the whole movie, I just watched most of it sitting on the hard steps. I liked it though. We were in the mammoth screen at Thanksgiving Point which was so huge. Our seats were on the second row and it was a little hard to see, so I walked up a few rows and sat on the steps there and actually had a better view.
My sister-in-law is in the hospital today having a baby (her 5th, yes, she is amazing), and I can't wait to meet the new little guy!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 9:31 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Freedom Festival
Provo is such a great place to be to celebrate the 4th of July. The big kick-off for the Freedom Festival (at least for the Salmon's) is the BBQ/Miniature Golf at Cascade. We went last night and had a blast.
Tonight we are off to see Eclipse. We definitely don't consider ourselves "Twi-hards" but I did read the books and liked them so when free tickets come along, we'll take them. :)
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 9:09 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
Concert in the Park
Concert in the park is over for 2010. It was every Sunday night in the month of June at Pioneer Park. We go every year and I'm not sure why it's so fun, but it is. It kind of makes it official that summer is here.
Last night at the park Mckinley was so happy for a little while and was smiling like crazy. It was so fun.
Love that cute little tongue!
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 12:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Where Does the Time Go?
Time is flying. I can't believe the first 6 weeks have come and gone. I'm so happy I don't have to go back to work yet!
I think if you looked up the word "cute" in the dictionary, this is what you would find:
Mckinley was so excited to try swimming for the first time.
We got her all lathered up with sunscreen for no reason.
As soon as her feet touched the water she screamed and was done. We'll try again next time... :) (Don't worry, we weren't expecting her to like it at all. But she looked so cute in that suit that we thought we better at least try.)
Mckinley is growing so fast. We upgraded to size 1 diapers. It's weird to think there are things she doesn't fit in anymore. She has outgrown a few of her clothes too. She is so much fun to have around. She likes to cry a lot during the day but she sleeps like a champ so we still consider ourselves very lucky.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 9:49 AM 6 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I always said I would never

Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 9:11 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Summer Nights
Summer time is the best.
Here's what we had for dinner tonight. (Salad, 7-layer dip, and smoothies.) Doesn't it just scream summer?
After dinner we spent a little time out in the yard taking care of some neglected areas. Can you tell a baby has taken over our lives? That dandelion was about 2 feet tall. Yikes. We had tomato plants here the last 2 years. I doubt we'll get around to it this year. Oh well. We've got better things to do.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 6:54 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
4 Years
Time flies when you're having fun. Today Brandon and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. It seems weird that we've only been married 4 years because we have crammed a LOT of vacations and fun times into 4 years.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 7:34 PM 7 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend was awesome. It was so nice to have Brandon home for 3 full days in a row. I didn't even realize Monday was a holiday. That's what maternity leave does to you. :)
We took Mckinley on her first picnic. And then on her second picnic. And to her first BBQ. And to Utah Lake for the first time. And to Pirate Island. There are a lot of firsts when you're new to this world. All of it was a blast.
Just a few of our sleepy girl's sleeping positions. Do you think she likes to sleep with her hands up or what?
I can't believe our baby is almost a month old. We have done a lot of stuff with her this month. And I know all the future months are just going to get more and more fun. We are so grateful to have her.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 4:25 PM 11 comments