On December 23rd Brandon went up to the Jazz game so we went and saw my parents and went around looking at Christmas lights.
We found a bunch of cool houses in between searching for the ones listed in Orem's tour of lights. The tour of lights houses (with the exception of my neighbor's house) were a complete joke. It was comical how bad they were.
Christmas Eve we stayed home and made sugar cookies and other yummy food and watched Christmas movies and just hung out at home. The rest of my family got together but we didn't go. It wasn't as fun as it was the year before, but still nice to not be stuck out late into the evening.

Christmas felt weird this year. I think partly because Tyler and Kallie had to be told the truth about Santa (Kallie was starting to ruin it for a cousin) and so the only real believer we had was Ava. Jackson is too little.
And I don't know, I guess I did a bad job of Christmas shopping this year. Kallie in particular felt like her Christmas kind of sucked. It was weird with grumpiness while opening presents.
We invited Ross and Karen over for our traditional breakfast. We made coconut syrup which was absolutely incredible.

So Tyler got a jacket that didn't fit him and when I went to go in to return it, I noticed a shirt from the same order that I bought for Kallie but I never remembered wrapping it. So I was searching for it everywhere and in the weirdest way, discovered that there are these dumb super deep holes in our closet and I figured her shirt fell down there.
I was right. Her shirt had fallen down here (we had boxes up on the top of these shelves for each kid and I had thrown her shirt up to her box since I don't even come close to reaching and I guess it fell down the hole). But how lame that they left these holes when they built our closet.
Anyway, such a long story but this is the contraption we made to get her shirt out and it worked! There was also a pair of socks down one of the holes and I now have a clogged central vac hose that I'm hoping I can somehow unclog on my own one day so I don't have to pay a bunch of money to get it fixed.
We went over to Brandon's parents house on Sunday, the day after Christmas. And look how cute Jackson is snuggling with Mckinley.
Boxing day was pushed till Monday with Christmas being on a Saturday this year. The kids had a great time as always.