Saturday, February 22, 2025

St. George Soccer Tournament

Tyler is soooo done with soccer, well, he wishes he was, but he's got to finish out this season. We got to go down to St. George at the end of February for a soccer tournament for him. The first field he played on was sooooo crappy, but the backdrop was gorgeous.

Absolutely love all the memories we've made down at our house in Hurricane.

Took the chance to go explore at Dixie Rock since Tyler's game was right near there.

Brandon did the slot canyon at Dixie Rock for the first time. I don't know where the picture of him went, but here's this one to help us remember! He has always been too scared that he wouldn't fit, but he lost 30 pounds and is smaller now than ever so he went through. It was so fun!

 I convinced the family to go to Glitter Mountain. The road to get there is horrendous and probably did damage to our car so we definitely won't be going again, but glad we did it! It was so sparkly in the sun and fun to dig out crystals and bring them home.

Introduced the family to cookies from Dutchman's. So freaking yummy!

The pool was pretty cold so we mostly spent our time in the hot tub but had so much fun regardless!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Time!

Ava had a really fun basketball season with Brandon as her coach and a whole bunch of friends from her class at school on her team. Mrs. Hill came to watch one of their games.

Ava finally got to do itty bitty bruins cheer with a bunch of her friends. She had a great time!

Mckinley is taking foods at school and often comes home and wants to make whatever she made in class. Home made potato chips in the microwave. Super yummy!

Jackson and his cute little crush Nada with their arms around each other. These two can snuggle like it's nobody's business!

 Decorated the table for Valentine's Day and enjoyed yummy Costa Vida for dinner!

Jackson was bummed he didn't get to make a Valentine's Box in Kindergarten. I'm here for ya next year buddy!

Even though Ava has so many cute boxes to choose from that Kallie or Mckinley used, we once again made her a new one. An adorable little owl!

Kallie used Mckinley's old hot air balloon. Such a good one!

Tyler got a labor of love home made Taco Valentine Box. Last one for Tyler and Kallie!!

Nothing cuter than seeing these two hold hands walking out of school.

I went on a wild adventure of a field trip with Tyler and Kallie up to the Planetarium in Salt Lake. The bus didn't come so we had to walk to the train station and then rode the front runner and trax to the planetarium. Barely had any time there because we spent the whole day travelling/freezing outside lol.

Love love loved this basketball team. Brandon is the best coach ever!

Took the kids to Kangaroo Zoo on a day off of school, president's day maybe?