Wednesday, December 30, 2009


On Monday night this week we had a fun little outing to Salt Lake, all thanks to Brandon's dad for planning it. We drove up there and had dinner at the Garden Room in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. That was my first time eating there so it was really fun. We had a great view of the temple.

By the time we were done eating the lights had turned on so we headed down to see them close up.

It was a pretty cold night but totally worth it. I love seeing the lights!

From there the married couples all left to separate hotels to spend the night (again, thanks to Ross) while Brandon's parents babysat the grand kids. Me and Brandon had an absolute blast at our hotel. Funny story too, as we were pulling up to our hotel (which was just a random Crystal Inn off of the 2-15 in Murray), Brandon said, "I think I've stayed here before." Then he said he thought it was the hotel he was staying in with his family when I called him to hang out, 4 years ago. I couldn't hardly believe it. It may not seem like much to any of you, but it was pretty special for us.

When we went down to the pool he recognized it for sure and said yep, this is where we stayed. So here's the story. Brandon and I met for the first time in August of 2005 and we had hung out a few times but only with groups of people. So in December 4 years ago, I called him up and asked him to go out with me and another couple who I was setting up. I asked him if he wanted to go to Temple Square to see the lights. He said he was actually up in Salt Lake staying with his family in a hotel but he still wanted to go back with me. He went out in the hall at the hotel to talk to me. It was kind of our big main first "thing" that started our dating. I still can't believe we got to go back to the same hotel 4 years later and stay as a married couple with a baby on the way. It was so fun!

Here we are in our hotel room.

We played games, went swimming, and just RELAXED and loved it. We were actually supposed to get a Jacuzzi Suite but they over booked them so they let us stay the night for free and we get to go back again and get the Suite next time. So it worked out really good for us all around.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

We have had such a fun Christmas holiday so far. I didn't work Christmas Eve or Christmas and it was so nice to have 4 days off. Brandon has 2 siblings and their families in from out of town so we have been packing in the fun and doing a bunch of stuff together. It's been a blast. I don't have pictures of everything but here's some stuff I do have pictures of.

The nativity we acted out. Brandon was Joseph and Haley was Mary riding on the donkey's back.

Austin was having so much fun in the treasure box as Baby Jesus that Mady had to join him. It was so funny. They were laughing so hard. These kids are just the cutest!!!

On Christmas Eve we got together with my side of the family since that's what we always do. It was weird without my parents there but at least we got to talk to them on Skype. And it was Christmas morning for them while we talked so the timing was perfect.

Emily made an amazing dinner and we played some really fun games after. So for this game that we were playing, you have to put a piece of paper on your head and then draw a picture.

Emily told us step by step what to draw and then you got points after for how well you did like if your star was touching the tree, if your stockings were actually on the fireplace, etc. It was so fun!

My picture is on the left, Brandon's is on the right. I did pretty good if I do say so myself. It seriously was a lot of fun.

My adorable little niece Ela was taking our picture over and over and over.

Man, we're good looking!!

My cute little sister Amy and the yummy pies she made.

Me with Grandma Bishop.

Christmas morning we went to Bryant and Summer's house to mooch some of their amazing breakfast. We had a really fun time over there but I didn't take any pictures. Their little boy Ocean got a slide for Christmas and he just kept going down it over and over. It was so fun to be there with them on Christmas morning.
From there we went to Brandon's parents' house to open gifts from each other. We are so excited about the new Dyson Brandon's mom and dad got us for Christmas! And some cute baby stuff too for our little girl.

Anyone ever watch "The Phone Call" in Seminary? Lincoln does a pretty good job of pulling off the hair style. Can't WAIT for his next hair cut. :)

And here's a picture of our baby girl on Christmas day. Chan got me this cute maternity shirt and I love it!!!

Sadly I don't have a picture of the newest member of our family, our new nephew Samuel. Tara had her baby boy on Sunday last week and then made the 10 hour drive from New Mexico to Provo on Wednesday and was here in time to celebrate Christmas with us. She is amazing for doing it and their baby boy is so cute and so fun to hold!
Now tonight we are off to Salt Lake to go to dinner with Brandon's family, see the lights, and then enjoy our gift of a night's stay in a hotel from Brandon's dad. Can't wait! It's going to be so much fun. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 18, 2009

21 Weeks

I am in absolute disbelief that this pregnancy is half way over. It has flown by! Each new week creeps up on me and I just never thought I'd be at this point.

I'm 21 weeks now. Still throwing up but not as often as before. This is a belly shot as of this morning. I don't know how much longer till I'll have to buy maternity clothes but I hate shopping so I'm putting it off as long as possible and just surviving with my belly band.

I had my first official ultrasound on Tuesday this week and every time I see this little girl I can't believe how big she is getting. Right now she should be about three quarters of a pound and 10 and a half inches long. That is just crazy for me to think about!

This picture shows just how squished she is in there. She folded herself right in half! Good thing babies are flexible...

I am a little obsessed with her feet and love seeing them on ultrasound. The last time we measured them they were only like a centimeter long and now they are about 3 and a half centimeters long. I love it!

I feel her kick every day now and I love love love this picture that shows those adorable little legs and feet that I can feel now. We are both so excited for the kicks to be strong enough for Brandon to feel them too.

Brandon and I feel so blessed to finally be experiencing this and are so excited for our little girl to arrive. We should probably get on the ball soon and start buying stuff for her. We do have some outfits and headbands that people have given us. Oh, and 2 coloring books that my cute nephew Kai gave to my baby "for when she gets big." He is so sweet.
PS. If anyone reading this is the mysterious person who left a cute headband on our door handle, THANK YOU!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jazz Game

Monday night we were lucky enough to get tickets to the Jazz game. We took Blake and Kim with us. So as we're walking in to go find out seats all of a sudden Blake stops and is standing over by this guy. I turn around and ask Brandon, what is he doing? Who is that? (Anyone that knows me knows sports are not my thing.) And Brandon's like "it's Jeff Hornacek." I'm thinking um, okay, I think that name sounds kind of familiar but I have no idea who that is. And yes, I had to google his name to see how to spell it.

So anyway, we walk over there and Blake is trying to get Jeff to sign his jersey so they finally get a marker and get it signed and then we got our picture taken with him. As we were walking away I had to ask Brandon, so who is Jeff Hornacek? And he's like hello! He used to play for the Jazz in their glory days with John Stockton and Karl Malone. Ha ha ha, I am so stupid when it comes to things like this.

So here we are with Jeff Hornacek.

The Jazz played Minnesota and we thought it was going to be a blow out but it ended up being a really close game and we actually lost. Which was sad of course. But it was way fun to be there. Thanks Blake and Kim for coming with us!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Grandma's Funeral

Grandma Stum's funeral was on Saturday. It was so beautiful. Tons of family flew into town and it was so fun to spend time with all of them.

Brandon and I before the funeral.

Getting ready to head over to the cemetery.

At the graveside. Kristen, me, Amy.

The coffin and flowers were so beautiful.

My grandma's children (minus my mom). Mom, we all missed you there.

I have always loved funerals. As sad as they are, it is so fun to learn so much about the person who has passed on. They always make me want to live my life better so that hopefully someone will have something nice to say about me when I die. :)
It is still weird to think that Grandma is gone. Mom, we are so so sorry you couldn't be with us for all of this. But we know you are doing the right thing and are so proud of you for your decision to serve another mission.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Until We Meet Again

My dear sweet Grandma Stum passed away last week on Friday. She was almost 93 years old. It is very bitter-sweet. Of course we are happy that she is finally with my grandpa again after 9 years but we are also sad that she is no longer with us.

Playing scrabble at the cabin this summer.

The worst part is that my mom is so far away in Hong Kong and can't be here with her siblings during this time. Grandma had a very fast decline which is all anyone could ask for. Just 5 months ago she was living on her own, driving a car, working in the temple, attending water aerobics every day, and about a million other things. She was always so active and healthy. She never stopped learning and was a perfect example for all of us on every level.

Me and Grandma at the cabin last summer.

There isn't enough good you can say about Grandma Stum. She was a big part of every one of her grandchildren's lives. My grandpa built this cabin over 30 years ago and all of us spent our childhood summers taking trips to the cabin. We also used to have sleepovers at Grandma's house all the time. And she was always planning outings and camping trips and other things for us to do.

Grandma playing Uno with Heidi and Brandon.

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend a lot of time with Grandma over the last few weeks of her life. We had her over for our family dinner just 3 Sundays ago. She was hospitalized for a few days over Thanksgiving so on Thanksgiving Day I went and stayed in her hospital room with her to help her eat her Thanksgiving dinner from the hospital.

After that she moved to a different facility for the last week of her life and I was able to visit her there a few times although she was mostly sleeping during my visits. On Friday I went to visit her again and I was with her as she took her last breath. It was a very sweet experience. Her funeral is this Saturday and I'm really looking forward to it. We will miss you Grandma.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Thanksgiving weekend was awesome. What's not to love about FOUR days off of work? We slept in every day and just relaxed with family playing games and watching movies and anything else we felt like.

We had our official Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday night.

Here are the peeps:

The food and activities:

We played Disney scene it and Battle of the Sexes after dinner.
We also went to 2 BYU basketball games last week.

We saw Blind Side on Saturday and Brandon went to the BYU Utah game.
And I'm sure we did a bunch of other stuff but that's all I got for now.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Still Here

I know I should probably update my blog but I really don't have anything to update it with. I looked at my camera today and the only pictures I have on there since Halloween are of this crazy double egg that Brandon cooked the other day. He pulled an egg out of the carton and it was huge and he was like weird, should I cook it? And I was like sure. So he cracked it on to the frying pan and it had 2 yokes in it. It was kinda crazy. He told me to go get the camera so I took a picture of it. And nothing else has happened to take pictures of. See why I haven't updated this thing?

We really have just been relaxing, sitting at home every night on the couch watching TV. It totally bites that it's pitch black outside by the time we leave work. I absolutely hate it. It makes me feel like staying in all night, and that's pretty much what we do.

Yesterday was my 16 week mark and I celebrated it by throwing up all day. I may just be one of those lucky girls who is sick the whole 9 months. Oh well, I'll take it.

I don't want my blog to be full of nothing but ultrasound pictures, but I just couldn't resist. She is getting so big! It's crazy to see the difference just one week can make.

You'll have to click on this one so you can see her adorable little footprint! I am so in love with it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Baby Girl Says Hello

We do have proof other than the pumpkins that this child rolling around inside me is a girl.

It is so fun (and surreal) to watch her kick around inside me and move all over.

If you saw this live, it really does look like she's blowing kisses!!

It's hard to believe that in 6 months she'll come out and we will be able to hold her and kiss her.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone! I love dressing up. This year Brandon and I were Jessie and Woody from Toy Story.

Shannon's octo-mom costume ROCKED! Jason fit his costume a little too well...

We went to a party at Jason and Shannon's last night and had a really good time.

For the first time, I made home-made root beer. Okay, Brandon might have been the one to do the actual making of it, but it was my idea!

We also made our own individual pizzas. They were so good!

Russell's spider web guacamole:

The best group shot I got.

We played a really fun game with quarters and dice and we were all way too in to it to take any pictures.
Then we had donut-eating contests, couple style. It was so funny to watch!!!
Me and Bran.

Sara and Spencer.

Russell and Aubrey.

Dallin and Shellee.

Thanks Jason and Shannon for the fun party!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Last night Brandon and I carved pumpkins. I guess since it was Monday you could say we did it for FHE, but who are we kidding, every night is FHE because we always do something together. We can't let a Halloween pass us by without carving pumpkins.

Brandon getting started on his pumpkin.

Me with my pumpkin.

I always love how much better they look when they're lit up.

Brandon's pumpkin:

My pumpkin:

Yes, that's right folks, we are having a GIRL!!! And we are soooooo excited!