Last Saturday a bunch of girls from work went to Brick Oven for lunch and a combined baby shower for me and Susan. It was so much fun. Thanks everyone for coming and for the cute cute gifts! I just love looking at these little outfits and trying to get myself to believe that one day I'll have a little baby who I can put in them!
Speaking of that little baby, she has now been cooking for 30 WEEKS. So hard to believe. Here are some 30 week belly shots.
I'm actually getting a little sad thinking she will only be in my belly for 10 more weeks. I love feeling and watching her kick around in there.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
30 Weeks
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 10:57 AM 14 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Baby Shower
This last weekend was super crazy. Brandon and I stayed at his brother Jason's house and watched their 2 little girls Haley and Brynlee while Jason and Shannon were out of town. It was some good practice for us. They are good girls but like all kids, require constant attention. I think we will take better advantage of these next 2 months before our baby girl arrives. :)
On Saturday my friend Jessica threw me a baby shower. It was seriously such a fun shower. I had so much fun seeing everyone and only wish I could have talked to each person individually a lot longer.
Here's Jessica hard at work. She (and Lisa) made some amazing food and organized some really fun games and had super cute decorations. Jess, thanks so much for EVERYTHING!!!

A look at the yummy food. Mmmm....
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 11:49 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Heart Attacked
Last night after we got home Brandon went out for a jog. When he came home we saw a car parking in our extra parking spot. I looked out and it looked like it was the Beehives. (I'm no longer in Young Womens.) I didn't really think much of it. So we sat down and watched some TV. Well a little while later someone rang the door bell a couple times. I answered the door to find this:
I got heart attacked! It was so cute. I've never had anyone do this to me before.
It totally made my day! Thanks Cyleste and all the Beehives. That was so sweet.
After it was all said and done and we realized who it was pulling up in our parking spot, we realized that they all probably saw Brandon standing outside the door with his shirt off (he had just come back from jogging, remember?) waiting for me to let him back inside. Our apologies for his immodesty. :) He doesn't jog with his shirt off, he just took it off at the end because he was really hot.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 11:22 AM 6 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Playin' in the Snow
It's funny the things kids can get you to do. On Saturday Brandon and I went over to his parents' house and our niece Haley was there. She really wanted us to play outside with her in the snow. I hate playing in the snow and I told her that but she asked so nicely that I couldn't refuse. Either that or I felt stupid for being such a party pooper.
Brandon thought it was summer that day so he broke out his shorts.
I guess the blue skies could fool you.
Me and Haley.
Brandon went in after a while and Haley and I built a little mini snowman. There wasn't a lot of snow to work with and I also haven't done this for probably about 15 years or more. We actually had a lot of fun. The poor little guy didn't last long though.
I finally bought some maternity clothes this weekend and am loving them! They are so comfortable. I've had a cold or something the last few days and it's not the funnest thing ever but I can't complain too much. Emily, it's a good thing I didn't babysit for you, Saturday night was the worst part of my sickness so far.
As far as the baby update goes, I just love feeling this little girl kick me throughout the day. The kicks are strong enough now that I can look down and see my stomach moving. It's so weird but so stinking cool! I still can't believe it's happening...
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 1:39 PM 6 comments