She finally has enough hair on top to put it in a tiny ponytail.
Mckinley also has a hidden talent: whistling. She is a pro. She'll whistle any tune you request. Okay, just kidding. She is actually rubbing her teeth on her tongue, her favorite pasttime as of late. But doesn't it look like she is just casually whistling? Ha ha, I love it.

I probably took 40 pictures just trying to catch a smile. She NEVER smiles for the camera anymore. Ashli, I need your help! Here is a little smile, but it's not her typicall cheeser that she gives us all the time. I'll keep trying.
I even solicited Brandon's help one day and still just got this. It doesn't do it justice.

Mckinley's 6 month Dr. appointment was Tuesday. Her official stats are:
Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz - 56th percentile
Height: 26.2 inches - 67th percentile
Head: 17.3 inches - 86th percentile
The main thing we came away from the appointment with was the fact that it is time to crack down on sleeping through the night. For the past couple of months Mckinley has been waking up a couple times a night wanting to eat. Time to stop!!! She did excellent last night and didn't eat till 5 this morning. I think that was like 10 hours in between feedings, and about 7 hours of sleep. I just woke up a few times and put her binky in her mouth to keep her sleeping longer.
Yesterday after her appointment we did the meanest thing possible and left her to be babysat by her grandma while we went to the temple. While we were gone the pain from her 4 shots set in and was at it's worst. Who does that to a babysitter? Thank you so much Karen!!! That was the first time we had been to the temple together since Brandon was worried I was going to go into labor during our session (at 8 months pregnant). It felt so good to go again.
And speaking about feeling good, yesterday, on November 9th, I finished my visiting teaching for the month. I got a new partner who actually called me to go (the first time in...forever). I haven't been visiting teaching since before I got pregnant, except maybe once or twice. I've been so bad! But I'm turning over a new leaf. And it feels good. Have I rambled enough? Yeah, I think I'm done now.