Okay, I have a LOT to blog about. It was a very busy week with Chandra's wedding, family here from out of town, and Mckinley's FIRST birthday. Before we get to the birthday stuff, here are a few other things.
I wanted to go to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point this year but I never made it so Mckinley and I stopped by Nelson's Grove Park on our way home one day and snapped a few pictures by the tulips.
They were gorgeous and it gave me my fix for the year.
All week long lots of time was spent on wedding preparations and Friday was the big day. It was also Annie's birthday (my sister-in-law). Here's a little family picture at the reception.
They had a candy bar which was awesome. We are enjoying all the leftovers. :)
Chandra, Roland, and all the grand kids.
Oh, I can't forget these pictures. My parents watched Mckinley for us while we went to the sealing and afterwards we had a little dinner with them before we headed over to the reception. Mckinley was LOVING this watermelon.
SO cute!
Okay, now I know this is a lot of pictures for Mckinley's birthday but come on, it was her first one! And she's our first kid, so of course we were super excited for it. (If it makes you feel better, there are 116 pictures/videos from her birthday celebrations on my computer, so this actually isn't very many.)
To start out the day, we made Mckinley her favorite thing for breakfast. Pancakes. I attempted a Mickey Mouse-shaped one like my dad used to do for us when we were little and I think it turned out pretty good. She ate THREE pancakes for breakfast. Yes, this girl likes her food.
Here she is in her adorable little birthday outfit. Her shirt says Baby's 1st Birthday.
We had a big lunch with all of Brandon's family and ate a bunch of the leftover wedding food. Mckinley's cake was a leftover eclair. She got it all over and rubbed her chocolate-covered hand in her hair.
In the afternoon a bunch of us went to the movies and saw Rio.
Later that evening we went to Carl's Junior for dinner. She wasn't in the smiling mood so I asked her to stick her tongue out instead.
I was playing around with her hair and was very surprised to see that it fits in pig tails! So cute. Of course they lasted for about a minute.
A family picture on her birthday.
We went back over to Brandon's parents house that evening to spend some time with his sister who is in from out of town and Brandon's dad wanted to take Mckinley to the park for her birthday. It was a little chilly and she was tired but we bundled her up and went anyway.
Going down the slide with Grandpa.
On Sunday we celebrated with my family. Here she is with her new phone she got from Dallin and Shellee (she loves it). Look at those little toes!
Opening the new train my mom got her. Thank you so much!
My brother had been wanting to try out these chocolate cakes from Costco and decided Mckinley's birthday would be the perfect time. That thing was so rich!
Mckinley didn't waste any time digging into it. I think she would have eaten the whole piece if we let her.
At one point it looked so good that she decided to just go straight for it with her mouth and not let her hands get in the way.

The result:

The only bad thing about turning one was that she had to go to the doctor today and get shots. Oh, how this girl hates getting shots.

The result:
The only bad thing about turning one was that she had to go to the doctor today and get shots. Oh, how this girl hates getting shots.
Her 12 month stats were:
Weight: 20.26 lbs, 37%
Height: 29 inches, 48%
Head: 18.6 inches, 95%
It was a busy but great weekend. Mother's Day was awesome too. We had dinner's at both our parents houses. The boys did all the work for both dinners. My dad had a separate table set up for all the women and we ate on China while the boys and kids ate on paper plates. It was cute.
We can hardly believe Mckinley is one. She has made our lives so much better and we couldn't love her more!!!
I can't believe she is one already. What a cutie! Happy birthday, McKinley!
You have done a great job documenting her 1st year! Happy Birthday Mckinley!!!
Oh my gosh I love that picture of her with the phone and her cute little feet!
Happy Birthday MicKinley! That went fast!
I still can't believe she is one. She is so cute and has such a fun little personality. I'm glad she likes the phone, she was so funny with it the other night.
WOW time flies doesn't. You guys are so cute and thanks for sharing the pictures. You can NEVER have enough pictures. She is just so adorable and looks just like you with Brandon's hair color.
I remember the Chocolate Cake from Costco when I could eat that. It was so rich but so good. Seth likes it with some vanilla ice cream.
Happy Birthday to McKinley. And happy mother's day to you! Was it your first? It seems like she was born before Mother's Day last year. I can see so much more of your mom and Kristen in her lately, looks wise.
i can't believe she is 1!!! time goes by so fast. she is looking so much like you steph :) happy birthday little cutie!!!
Happy Birthday McKinley!!!! Looks like her special day was filled with lots of love :) Her cake pictures made me laugh! loved them all :)
What a fun day! We didn't make it to the tulip festival either this year. It was too dang cold! Maybe next year. I can't believe our babies are one. I still remember talking with you in the office at Utah Valley about our pregnancies. We are so lucky to have such cute little girls!
DYING over those little pigtails! Happy Birthday to her!
I love it when they totally dig in to their cake!
The year has passed quickly - what a precious little person she is!
Happy Birthday, McKinley
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