Tyler's second year on the Utah Valley United district team. Not our favorite year, but we made it through.
Ava finding her name on a sign. :)
Kallie and Addie went to Scarlette's piano recital. These three were the best of friends this year.
Jackson turned 4. Love watching him get older!
Ava really wanted one of his presents to be from her so we threw her name on one of them and this was so cute seeing Jackson give her a hug.
No more Mickey pancakes I guess. Now they usually want their number or their letter. Jackson got both.
Jackson wanted a Hulk cake, so this is what he got. We keep things simple around here, lol.
He got sung to at a family dinner that night and amazingly didn't freak out.
Sparklers in the evening.
He wanted Hungry Hungry Hippos so bad so he got it, and played it with his joy school friends the next day.
We had so much fun playing with Caleb's kitties whenever we could. Jackson was so brave to pick them up.
Always so many sleeping pictures of him.
Mckinley took a dance class at school and performed a really cute number that Hailey Peterson choreographed. They did great!
Brandon coached Ava's soccer team. She was the only girl on her team who never scored a goal the entire season. She's not very aggressive but she loved playing with all her little friends so much and wants to play again.
Mckinley got to go on a fun French field trip and have a fancy French meal, including escargot, at BYU. She absolutely loved it. Her French teacher, Madame Bunker is switching to a new school next year and Mckinley is really bummed about it. She loves taking French so much!
Kallie and Tyler had a market day st school and this is all the stuff they bought.
Cammie threw a fun end of year party for Tyler and Kallie's class where they got to play 9 square at the park and have donuts. We had a great time!
I love when the kids are creative. They put these car tracks on their shoulders to look like machine gun ammunition. So cute!
Ava got to eat lunch in the lunch room to practice for 1st grade!
Kindergarten graduation! I spent lots of hours this year helping Mrs. Brown organize her pictures for her end of year slide shows. All day Kindergarten has finally been approved for our district but they will be rolling it out slowly so I don't think our school will do it next year, but maybe the year after that, when Jackson goes to kindergarten it will be all day and that will be so nice for these teachers to just do everything for one class instead of two!
Ava was very emotion-less during her singing program. Wouldn't crack a smile at all.
This girl is super smart and totally rocked Kindergarten! And I'm so happy that I won't have to be home during the middle of the day to get her from school next year. All 4 big kids will be in all day school and I'll just be home with Jackson! I'm just doing online preschool with him so our schedules will be really free and we can do whatever we want!
Gosh we love Mrs. Brown. She really feels like a part of our family. I am so grateful she's been able to teach all 4 of my older kids so far and really hoping we get her for Jackson in two years!
I had to take all my kids in for a picture with Mrs. Brown.
And then we saw Mrs. Heaps in the hall and had to get one with her too. Crossing our fingers that Ava gets her for first grade next year!
Kallie and Ava had their first and last dance recital with Studio 1. We were not very impressed with this dance studio but they always love to dance with cousins. Their dances were cute and they did great.
Last day of Kindergarten! It was a pajama day. :) Ava had the best group of friends and I am so grateful for all of them!
The kids all did great in school this year. Especially Mckinley. She really rocked 7th grade and was so independent, doing all her work herself, taking great care of her chromebook, and she just loved school. Kallie and Tyler loved Mrs. Marker and were so lucky to have friends in their class! Who knows what next year will bring. Tyler's best friend Alex Sevilla moved away and so did Maximus so Tyler isn't left with very many friends. Hopefully he makes some new friends next year!