Just because I haven't posted on here in a while, doesn't mean fun stuff isn't happening. Life has been good and fairly busy. I haven't been as good lately at taking pictures and I don't usually blog without pictures.
Looking back, I'm trying to think what it is we've been up to. We went to a BYU basketball game the other week, we have weekly Survivor parties at Jason and Shannon's on Thursdays, and what else, oh yeah, we spent a lot of time watching the Olympics.
This week we had a few birthdays to celebrate. My sister Heidi and Brandon's mom share a birthday of March 3rd. Monday night all of Brandon's family got together for FHE and we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Hate the title, thought the movie was funny. Tuesday we had pizza and birthday cake for Karen's birthday.
On Wednesday we (well, Kristen) planned a little bowling party for Heidi's birthday. Heidi turned 26 but she's as excited about her birthday as a 5 year old. I think she had a really good time.
The Birthday Girl...
It had been a long time since a lot of us had been bowling. It took a few turns to remember how different it is in real life than on the
Wii. :)

We missed Summer, Mark, and Brandon at the party.

Brandon had to go to Denver for the last 2 days for work so I made sure to get some sleepovers in. I loved having sleepovers when I was little and I haven't grown out of it yet. On Wednesday night I slept over with my sister Kristen. We could talk for 24 hours straight without running out of things to say. She helped me frame a cross stitch I made for my baby and I'm so excited about it!
Then last night my friend Jessica slept over at my house. We went out and got ice cream at Sub Zero and then went and saw the Princess and the Frog at the dollar movies. It was pretty funny, I really liked it. And it was perfect because I know Brandon never would have watched it with me.
Now we are just getting super excited for Brandon's brother Dallin to get married next Friday. It's going to be so fun with all the family back in town.
Only 8 weeks left to go with this pregnancy. I want to enjoy every minute, it's going by too fast!