I haven't blogged for a while. I'm not entirely sure why. Life is so stinking good with this little sweet girl in it. We've had a lot of fun, I guess I just haven't taken a ton of pictures that I felt were "blog worthy."

Wednesday nights we watch Brandon play softball. Last week he slid to get on base and got a nasty raspberry on his thigh. Poor thing. It's healing up pretty well though. Survivor started up again this week so now we will also have our weekly Survivor nights as well. Gotta love that show.
So, here's a little of what we've been up to lately. Friday nights are usually spent watching Brandon's little brother play football at Provo High. He is the kicker and a pretty darn good one at that. Here is Brandon with Mckinley at one of the games. She was bundled up in her cute jacket from Aunt Linda!! It's a tad too big but so cute that it doesn't matter.
Wednesday nights we watch Brandon play softball. Last week he slid to get on base and got a nasty raspberry on his thigh. Poor thing. It's healing up pretty well though. Survivor started up again this week so now we will also have our weekly Survivor nights as well. Gotta love that show.
Mckinley's cousin Kai is absolutely in love with her and they are just adorable together. She makes the cutest little noises and still loves putting everything in her mouth.

Occasionally I do cook and Mckinley really likes being in the kitchen with me. Thanks so much Shannon for the bumbo chair. It's awesome!
Still can't get enough pictures of her sleeping. This little girl is The. Best. Sleeper. Ever. Starting at day 1, she was so good at sleeping during the night and is still awesome. She wakes up maybe once a night and just eats and goes right back to sleep. Some nights she doesn't wake up at all. Then during the day she takes lots of naps, maybe 3 or 4, and she is so good at going down. All you have to do is put her down in her crib with a binky and give her a blanket and she just falls asleep. She still sleeps in her car seat or pretty much wherever and I am just going to enjoy that while it lasts!
Mckinley has become quite the thumb-sucker. We think it is oh-so-cute now but will probably hate it later. She doesn't just sit and suck on it forever, she usually just kind of plays with it in her mouth.
.I used to be so convinced that she was going to be a lefty but now I'm not so sure...
.Occasionally I do cook and Mckinley really likes being in the kitchen with me. Thanks so much Shannon for the bumbo chair. It's awesome!
Look how tiny she used to be in that thing. (This was at about 6 weeks old.)
On Wednesday this week I noticed that Mckinley's bottom gum looked really red. And then yesterday all of a sudden she had a little tooth pop through! The one right next to it is just starting to show as well. We hurried to the store to buy her some teether toys. (Didn't think we'd need those for quite a while.) I've heard so many bad stories about people's kids teething but we didn't hardly even notice anything was wrong. She was spitting up a little bit, and she hardly ever does, so Brandon thought maybe I ate something weird, but that was about it. We are so lucky to have such a good baby on our hands!
This is a picture of her today. Doesn't she look so long? I love it. I don't have a ton of pictures of her smiling anymore. For some reason they are harder to catch. I think it's because she pretty much always has something in her mouth, and also because she is just so much more active.
I wish I could describe how in love we are with this little girl. We talk about it all the time to each other and we can hardly believe how much we love her. We feel so lucky to have her in our home. I wish all of you could see Brandon with her. I've never seen a dad be so cute with his kid before. My favorite thing is anytime he is home and she is sleeping, as soon as you hear any tiny little noise escape her mouth (she doesn't usually cry when she wakes up, just kind of starts fussing), you will immediately hear Brandon half-whisper, "Yes!" and then he bolts up to her room to get her out of bed. It's adorable.
I am just working a little bit and I love it. A lot of times it's early in the morning I got up at 4:30 a.m. twice this week) and it's actually really nice to finally get up early again and get going. I made a goal this month to do my workout video every day and I haven't missed a day yet! It's just an easy 30 minute video, but it feels good to at least be doing something. I also started indexing again last week and man, I can really get addicted. I started 12 days ago and have already indexed 1200 names. I think that's about everything. I am getting SO excited for my parents to come home from their mission. Just 4 and a half months to go!
PS. McKenzie and Jessica, have you noticed how much I LOVE the bows you gave me? They're pretty much all I put on her because they go with everything and are just adorable. Thank you!
PPS. I realize I need to do a better job at posting things other than pictures of Mckinley. At least I got one of Brandon in there.
.K, wait, I just saw this picture and I don't think I ever posted it. How cute are these two just chillin' on the couch? Oh, I just love it.
She's growing up that's for sure! Enjoy the last of the "tiny" months. Speaking of tiny...when is her first haircut? I see she's starting to grow some more permanent locks. And...every picture is blog worthy in my books. Thanks for posting.
All of your pics are blog worthy. I love all of them! Mckinley is adorable and her earrings are cute. That is awesome you are working out and haven't missed a day. I want to try indexing.
That's exciting your parents are coming home soon! Wow, time flies. Love ya!
Oh my gosh she is getting so big! I haven't seen her forever!
She looks so different already - has she gone through a recent growth spurt?! I love the last picture - Daddy and Daughter - so sweet. :-)
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