Kong to visit my parents when they were serving there in 2010 and she bought these cute matching jackets, one for her and one for
. We've been waiting a long time for the jacket to fit
. It's so cute.

I didn't want to feel left out so we took one of me wearing it too...
Mckinley is so fun and is changing so so fast. Brandon and I were watching some videos of her the other day from when we first moved into my parents house just 5 months ago and we couldn't believe how much she has changed. Especially her hair. I didn't realize how long it is compared to back then! I can't believe she'll be 2 in 3 and a half months.
She is really into shapes, thanks to three things. The iPhone, Baby Einstein, and the game Perfection. She first learned to match shapes with a game on the iPhone. Then she learned to pick out certain shapes if you told her which ones to grab from the game Perfection. She can put all the shapes in their places in Perfection. Now, if she's watching the shapes movie from Baby Einstein she can recognize a few different shapes when they come up on the screen. And I can even draw the following shapes on a piece of paper and she will tell me what they're called. Circle, rectangle, triangle, heart, star, moon, diamond, oval.
Also randomly she knows the letter R and the letter A. She loves playing with her sponge letters in the bathtub.
She will come up to me or Brandon, grab our finger, and drag us where she wants us to go and say "come."
She loves to color, but mostly just with a pen. If I'm ever sitting at the computer desk she'll come over and sit on my lap and draw on some scratch paper.
She knows how to get DVD's in and out of the DVD player and loves to watch her Baby Einstein shows. Most of our DVD's are covered in fingerprints and have to be wiped down before they will work.
I have no idea how many words she knows but it's a whole lot. She is starting to group words together now and we just love how easy it is to communicate with her. She surprises me every day with a few new words I had no idea she knew.
She will tell me when she's poopy and if I ask her if she's poopy and she's not, she says "wet."
She loves to dance around and will shake her bum back and forth if you ask her. I need to post a video of that. It's so cute.
She finally makes the kissing noise when she kisses you and she loves to kiss owies and have you kiss any owies she has.
She loves her "daddy" and asks for him all the time. Especially when it's time for bed because she knows he'll get her out and bring her into bed with him.