Well, it's time to post about Disneyland. We had a good trip and are so glad we went. Mckinley learned how to say Snow White's full name before we left and all she would say is "I want Snow White." Over and over and over. Every time we would talk about Disneyland.
I think she was a little confused when we got there and she saw that there are actually other things to see besides Snow White. But we did make sure she saw her.
We had to wake Mckinley up a 4:20 a.m. to catch our flight. I thought for sure she'd fall asleep on the way to the airport. Or at the airport. Or on the plane. Or on the way to the hotel. Nope. She stayed awake the whole time! Yikes. She was still pretty good though. When we got on the plane all she wanted to do was look out the window at the other planes in the airport. She didn't realize we were sitting in one.

She did fall asleep for like 15 minutes when we drove to go buy our tickets for Disneyland that day. And then I ended up walking back to the hotel with her later for a nap because she wouldn't fall asleep in her stroller at the park. We were as close as you can get to the park though so it was no big deal.
The first ride we went on when we got there was Toy Story. That ride wasn't there the last time I went and it was so fun!
These pictures aren't in order anymore, but the second morning of Disneyland Shannon waited forever in line and we jumped in with her to see the princesses. They only have 3 princesses at a time and we were very lucky to find that Snow White was one of them.
Mckinley was happy to see Cinderella. She knew who she was.
Then we saw Sleeping Beauty and Mckinley just kept saying "I want Snow White."
Last was Snow White and Mckinley was more than happy to meet her and give her a hug and take a picture with her. It was so cute.
The Little Mermaid is the only girlie Disney movie we own so Mckinley watches it over and over. She thought she met Ariel just from seeing her picture on the wall, which was perfect.

This is what she looked like the whole ride. She was mesmerized by everything and wouldn't look away no matter how hard we tried to get her attention. She didn't laugh, smile, or point on the rides. She just stared at everything.
Mckinley's very favorite ride was the carousel. She asked to go on it a few times

Once we taught her to wave, it was so cute, she would wave even when there was no one to wave to.

The first night we were in the park at the end of the day we were wandering around wondering where to go and we went over to Toon Town and walked through Mickey's house. It's usually so crowded but there were no people there and we walked straight through to the end and got to meet Mickey without a wait at all. It was awesome. Mckinley gave him a big high five and was so happy to meet "Me Mouse."

We also went on the Snow White ride and once again, just from seeing a picture of her on the wall, she thought she had met Snow White. (This was before we met her in person.) This ride actually scares a lot of kids but I think she was too young to notice. It didn't seem to bother her at all. It was also the end of the longest day in her life so far, so maybe she was just tired. Either way, it worked out great.

We watched the awesome water show at California Adventure. It was a really cool show but way too long.

Monsters Inc ride with her cousin Brynlee.

We watched the parade one night (and my brother Ken and his wife joined us so that was really cool) and Mckinley was so excited when she saw Snow White coming on the float. She just yelled over and over "Snow White!! Snow White!!" So funny how she was so obsessed with her.

We walked around Downtown Disney one day and Mckinley was hilarious in the Disney Store. She was so excited to see any of the princess barbies. And when she saw some dress up shoes next to the Snow White costume, she sat on the ground and immediately started trying to take her shoes off. It was hilarious. I need to bring her to the Disney store in the mall. She'll probably think she's at Disneyland again. So easy to please at this age.
We spent a very cold, windy day at the beach (not my favorite day of the trip...to say the least).

Mckinley wouldn't touch the sand or the water.
Family picture.


We drove to Huntington Beach to get some fries at Ruby's out on the pier. We saw some dolphins swimming in the ocean on our way back which was pretty cool. I can't think of anything I love more than seeing dolphins in the wild. Or anywhere really. I need to go to Sea World!

And just for fun, this is a picture of me and Bran on almost the same spot on that pier over 5 years ago the last time we were there. I almost forgot for a minute that I used to have braces. Ha ha, good times.
Anyway, it was a great trip. Mckinley won't remember any of it, but we will. It's so much fun going with kids and watching them enjoy everything. Good to be home too though.
Great pics!! Sounds like you guys had a great time....way to get out of the winter doldrums and have some fun in the sun!!!
how fun steph!! oh i can't wait for the day that we take Brooks to disneyland...who knows when that'll be, but seeing your sweet trip tempts me to plan one soon! :) Looks like you guys & your little snow white lover had a wonderful time. McKinley is too too cute!
The Ferrins miss the Salmons!
Your little girl is not so little any more! Waving? Asking for Snow White? What a treasure she is :)
I'm glad y'all had a great time and YES, Sea World is a must...we're planning a trip this year :) such a favorite!
Kiss Mckinley for us :)
Glad you had a good trip. Looks like so much fun!
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