Holy smokes this summer was so incredibly fun. We adventured hard and had such a good time together! It's so nice now that we don't have naps, diapers, or babies to deal with. Love taking my kids places and being with them! I always feel so bad that we get to just play while Brandon is busy working.
The PBS adventure pass is the best and we used it to go to the Aviary again this year. It was super hot but we survived!
We hit up Scheel's on the way home. I love that my kids are entertained just by going here and walking around and riding the Ferris wheel.
And getting ice cream of course!
I took Jackson to his upstart orientation and he did so good, left me and went in the other room to play with kids while they talked to us about the program. But he really didn't want to take a picture ha ha! I love this preschool program so much!
Swimming at Provo Rec with Alyssa and her kids.
We took a day where we hit up all the BYU museums. Museum of Art, Bean Museum, and the Dinosaur Museum.
I had a lot of fun this summer working on my first paint by number. Super entertaining! It was pretty complex so it took lots of hours to finish but it was so fun!
Leslie really outdid herself this year and rented out the entire West Jordan pool and bought pizza for all of us. We love swimming there!
We took Jackson to the shallow end and took off his floaties to help him learn to get comfortable without them. It was a good first step to him learning how to swim this summer!!
The high dive is so fun!
Little Ava is so brave! And such a good swimmer!
We had lots of fun days at Airborne this year and I had a blast watching the kids conquer their fears on the ninja course!

I went with Kristin Murri to go listen to our neighbor Pamela Brubaker deliver a devotional at BYU. It was fun to go and support her! They had lunch for us after.
Sand park fun!
We went swimming at Shellee's pool and this was THE DAY that Jackson learned to swim!
I tried to insert a video of Jackson swimming but it won't upload. Oh well. It was amazing to see him get confident in the water and just swim swim swim on his own!
The very next day we went to Seven Peaks for the first time. Tyler and Kallie had been with friends before but it was the first time for the others. We got free tickets from the Orem Fest parade and oh my gosh we had so much fun! We went with Jammie and her kids.
The little kid pool was perfect for Jackson to practice in and we just had a blast watching him! This was Brandon's first time getting to see him swim.
We went up to Provo Canyon with some neighbor families and had such a nice afternoon!
Family pics with the Bishop's for the first time in like 15 years and Kallie the teenager, skipped so she could go to her friend's birthday party. My mom told us we weren't getting individual family pictures and so I didn't make her come but everyone else totally got their own family pics so I was pretty sad we didn't get one.
We went up to Provo Canyon with the Bishop's for pioneer day. the kids made Styrofoam rafts to float in the river and had hoagie sandwiches for lunch and played games. It was nice to hang out with Todd and Elizabeth for the first time in 3 years.
We went to Lakeside park later that evening for fireworks with the Salmon's and had the best time!
Amy was in town for her birthday.
Beautiful full rainbow outside my parents' house.
Jackson wearing Mark's old Halloween costume that's probably almost 50 years old.
Another day at Seven Peaks (now called Splash Summit).
We brought Mav with us and met up with Cammie and her kids and she brought a few extra neighbors. Oh my gosh we had so much fun!!! I would relive this summer over and over and over. It was the best!