Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Jackson is 5!

For Mother's Day all I wanted to do was go on a family hike so we went and hiked to the Grotto in Payson.

I'm so glad Brandon was with us and I didn't try to do this on my own with the kids because the river was quite full and we totally had to walk through it to get there. The path was much harder than in the past.

It was a fun experience though and I'm glad we did it!

We had a dinner with the Salmon's and then after that just our little family headed to Nelson's Grove Park. The pond was empty which was super disappointing but we had a great time playing catch and hanging out.

Two days after Mother's Day, Jackson had his birthday and turned 5!!! He got a J pancake and the number 5.

Got a new backpack for school, which he didn't end up liking ha ha, so we took it and switched it out for a Minecraft one. He will go to all day Kindergarten this fall and I can hardly wait! I'm so excited to see him learn and grow.

He wanted this sniper nerf gun sooooo bad that we saw at Ross one day. So I sneakily bought it for him without him knowing.

Went to the park.

He requested Del Taco for dinner, mostly for the playground ha ha.

Brownies are his favorite! So that's what he had for dessert.

That evening we were able to go out to the golf course and put around. Such a perfect spring day.

And then he requested a movie in Mom and Dad's room. 

Hanging out with Caleb and Luke the next day for play group. 

Loving his new sniper gun. Of course he only used it for about a week and now we never see him using it. Oh well. Such is life.

Mckinley has become a big reader. Oh, I just love her so much. It's so weird that we only have 4 years left with her till she is all grown up!

Ava's MRI was a huge deal and oh I'm so glad it's over. And so glad to know she doesn't have Perthes.

She had to be put to sleep for it. She was sick with a cough and started choking when she was under. It was pretty scary. They had to suction out her mouth.

But we made it through!

And then she totally went and played in her last soccer game that evening.

Her soccer coach was intense this year, which gave us a lot of good laughs. It was such a fun season though.

Here's a picture of Tyler with his team. He sat on the bench for the last game. Not the best ending to the season but we're still grateful we got away from Patrick and saw so much development with Tyler.

A few days after his birthday, Jackson got to have a party with all of his play group friends.

They had a great time! The bubble blaster he got from Liam Hack was the big hit.