Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Mckinley's 14th birthday, Hope of America

Tyler got to hike to Battlecreek Falls with the Deacons for mutual one night. He always loves when Nixon comes to activities. They are great friends. At least back in May they were. He hasn't played with him much this summer.

Jackson and Luke are still best of friends.

Brandon wanted to drive up by the Provo Temple to check out the demolition and I'm so glad we did. It was so cool to see! We went back 2 weeks later and it was all rubble.

Ava's leg x-ray at the specialist. This helped us rule out Osgood - Schlatter Disease. Where the growth plate just under your knee can cause pain. Her pain isn't from that.

Mckinley turned 14! She is so grown up and just so wonderful. She was hoping to have her bottom braces off before her birthday but it didn't happen. She got all her braces off back in September or something but she had to get the lowers put back on because her teeth moved. 

She got a bunch of clothes for her birthday as always, ha ha.

She requested that we go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.

Mckinley asked me one day if she could make some stir fry ramen that she made in her cooking class at school. It was so fun watching her cook all on her own. She is growing up so much!

Random cute picture of Jackson.

Tyler and Kallie performed in the Hope of America program. They weren't looking forward to it all that much but ended up having an amazing time!! Merrick, Tyler, Blake.

Weslie, Kallie, Maddie, Sienna. Kallie has the cutest group of friends!

I love this program so much!

Ava had a soccer game right before it so Brandon and Ava met us there.

Kallie and her friends got some good time on the big screen!

So so fun! Tyler, Nixon, Merrick.

Sienna, Kallie, Maddie, Weslie, Addie.

My parents went, mostly to watch Kristen and her kids who performed in it with home school, and we just happened to walk right by them outside as we were leaving.

Brandon does not share my enthusiasm for the Hope of America but I couldn't love it more! I can't wait till it's Ava's turn!

A few days after Mckinley's birthday she got to go to Labyrnth with all these friends! They had a blast!!

We got her a Costco cake and it was delicious!

Love love watching Tyler play soccer but he had a pretty discouraging season, mostly sitting the bench on Steve's team. He wants to quit soccer now but we are making him give it one more year.

Kallie got to go have a fun hang out at Sienna's cousins house while they were out of town.