Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July and Jackson graduates from Upstart

Swimming at Scera. Maddie and Kallie in their cute matching swimsuits.

Jackson got to swim with his best friend Luke Murri.

For the 4th of July this year we decided to go hike the Y early in the morning to see the balloons from there. It was pretty fun! Kind of cold for some of our kids.

Tough hike but always feels so good to make it to the top.

We ran into a few friends along the way too. I love seeing Brandon with his kids. He is the best dad there is.

Mckinley wanted to make a festive cake for the 4th so we gave it a go. We are definitely not professionals but it was fun.

Didn't stay together very well once we cut it ha ha, but it was still yummy.

Spent most of the day at Ross and Karen's with cousins.

And of course we had to go back at night to watch the fireworks from the roof. A favorite tradition for our kids. There was a cool drone show at the Stadium of Fire this year that we could see too.

Having fun at the new Orem Hillcrest park. They have a fun inside city center place where you can play pool and ping pong.

I have sooo many sand park pics from this year. I didn't even remember that we brought Kiara with us but apparently we did.

We loved hiking to Battle Creek Falls so much that we took Brandon back with us. This time it was a lot hotter so it was more difficult but still fun and I'm glad we did it.

Swimming at the Provo Rec with Hudson and Harper.

Poor Tyler got smacked in the face by a kid during a soccer scrimmage game and bit his tongue. Like so bad! We were thinking we would need to go get it stitched up but we never did and it actually healed quite well!

Quick little hike up to the giant flag with the Murri's.

Jackson had a little event where we got free tickets to go see Inside Out 2 at Thanksgiving Point so we decided to borrow McKay's Adobe pass and go have a marathon day at all the museums at Thanksgiving Point. It was rushed but we had lots of fun!

The butterfly biosphere was pretty disappointing. None of us got to hold a butterfly even once.

Cute little Jackson all graduated from preschool! He grew so much this last year and learned a ton! He can read BOB books already!

Dinosaur Museum.

We even quickly ran and went through the gardens real quick to see these huge dinosaurs they have there right now. It was pretty cool.