Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cousins, FSY, Sea Quest

Ava got to do a fun art class with her friend Emily in the summer.

Tara came into town with Maisie and Sam and Ava had a blast playing with Maisie.

We all went to a free evening at Splash Summit thanks to Megan for hooking us up.

Mckinley went to FSY for the first time. She went down to Snow College in Ephraim. She got to go with a big group of friends and had the best time!

Kristin Murri and I drove down together to pick up all the girls and there was an accident on the freeway with a motorcycle. We watched the life flight come in and land right on the road. I think we waited maybe an extra 45 minutes or so before we could keep driving. 

Brandon took me and Mckinley to a place called Shh! Up and we got Ramen and the most amazing ice cream ever called snow ice. It was so fun! We went back there with the rest of the family and didn't love it as much that time. I'm realizing we sometimes get really "wow"-ed the first time we go somewhere new. Ha ha. It was such a fun memory though!

We drove up to see the Provo Temple grounds again and then drove to Rock Canyon Park to show our kids a place where we could possibly take them sledding. We've never taken our kids sledding anywhere besides the golf course. Although I guess Brandon has been with them to Soldier Hollow.

These brothers melt my heart constantly.

Utah Lake has been really full the last couple of years and this one part of it is so close to the path. Mckinley and I rode scooters along the path and had to stop to go see the water. And look at those beautiful sun rays coming out of the clouds.

Gorgeous sunset.

Took the kids to the Aviary even though most of them didn't want to go. We didn't stay long ha ha, good thing it's free with our PBS pass.

I realized that the high school where High School Musical was filmed is really close to the Aviary so we went to check it out. Would love to be able to go inside someday.

After the Aviary we got lunch at Costco and then drove up to Layton to try out Sea Quest. Also free on the pass. My sister had gone and said it was a little ghetto and she would never drive all the way up there for that, which was why we paired it with the Aviary.

Anyway, this aquarium ended up being way better than we expected and we had the time of our lives there!! It was so fun buying food and feeding all the animals, especially the sting rays! And the birds. Such a fun place!!!

I've always wanted to put my feet in a tank where the fish eat the dead skin off of them and I finally got to do it!

Having these birds come and eat out of our hands was so fun.

The kids loved feeding this giant tortoise.

I absolutely love summer adventures with these kids and making fun memories with them.

Mckinley really wanted to plant a garden this year so we tried it out. The strawberry plant we bought died, as well as another strawberry plant my dad gave me, but the tomatoes, cucumber, and zucchini lived. I need to take a more recent picture because the plants are huge now! They haven't produced quite as much as we would have liked, but for our first trial year, we are very happy with how things have turned out!