We went to 7 Peaks tonight for the Nu Skin summer party (Brandon's dad works there for those of you who don't know). They had the whole place rented out and we had a lot of fun. I only got my camera out once. Here is Mckinley snuggling up with her towel after some time spent in the wave pool.

It was a lot of fun. There was all sorts of free {junk} food for us to eat. Nachos, churros, ice cream cones, snowcones, pretzels, fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks, and more. I hadn't been to 7 Peaks in years and years. There's not a ton you can do with a 3 month old, but we still enjoyed ourselves. So much so, that we are probably going to buy one of those sweet season passes for next year that includes Trafalga and Owls games. Hopefully it helps us have a fun summer next year with a curious little one year old on our hands. :) Ahhh, can't wait!
Yesterday I took Mckinley to the mall and made a lot of people think I was the meanest mom ever. I got Mckinley's ears pierced. And oh, did she scream. But I think she'll thank me later. Hopefully.
Here she is asleep after all the trauma.
Aren't those the cutest earrings ever? I might borrow them when she's done with them. :) The holes are a little uneven and I am still on the fence about whether to have one of them (this one in fact) redone or not.

Mckinley finally has a girl cousin close in age!!! My sister in law Jessica had a baby on Sunday. We didn't know what the gender would be and I am very happy that it's a girl. They are just 3 months apart. Mckinley and Mia. Hopefully they grow up to be best friends. Here they are taking a nap together in the hospital.
And a picture of me since I'm not doing very good at including picture of me and Brandon on here. This is me and Mckinley watching Lincoln's football game.
PS. Have I mentioned lately that I love summertime?!! I can't believe it's almost over.