We seem to be repeating what we did 2 years ago. We went to Vegas and stayed at Tahiti Village and then went back to Vegas like a month later. This time we only had a week after our first Vegas trip before we went back again. Anyway, we just got back from a week long vacation with Brandon's entire family. We stayed at Tahiti Village again and had a really good time.
A few pictures from our week at home in between the two Vegas trips.
Mckinley sitting on a pillow watching cartoons. So cute!

Okay, now for the trip. These pictures are not in order but I don't want to bother switching them around so we'll just leave it as is.

This might be my very favorite picture. We ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory one night and they have this huge aquarium outside the entrance. Mckinley loved watching all the fish and sting rays go by. I love her little pigtails! And aren't her legs just cute in those little capris? Michelle, aren't you the one who gave me this outfit? I love it.

Tahiti Village is right by the Las Vegas airport and Mckinley loved watching the planes go by. She would point and get really excited to see them. There is a tiny plane on the left in this picture that she is looking at.

Me and Mckinley in the pool. We went to the pool at least once every day. She loved wearing my sunglasses.

She is usually pretty mellow when she's in the water but she loved it when we would come "chase her." That's how we got this smile.

Best friends. Mckinley and Brynlee. Waiting for dinner at Cheesecake Factory.

And of course we always have to watch a few water shows at the Bellagio. I could sit there all night and watch them. Mckinley was ready for bed by this time though.

Family picture in the pool.

Brandon has some cousins in Vegas that we had a sweet BBQ with and then later in the week his cousin's husband invited us to come to the airport and tour this 60 million dollar private jet. My camera battery died before we got to go inside so I'm waiting for some pictures from Shellee. ;)

Mckinley did awesome sleeping in the pack-n-play during our trip. She still found her way to the corner and had some other pretty cute sleeping positions.

If Mckinley ever got fussy by the pool we could just take her over to the hot tub and let her dip her feet in. She loved it so much and would just sit there relaxed forever.

The pool had a little sand beach and I didn't know if Mckinley would like it since she hates grass but she actually enjoyed it.

One day out on the balcony Mckinley kept giving Haley hugs. Then Brandon and Haley both got down to see who Mckinley would come to and she went to Haley. Needless to say, Brandon was quite jealous and Haley was super happy. It was cute.

Most of the time in the water Mckinley would have her feet crossed just hanging out in her tube. Then if you asked her to kick her legs she would. I'm so glad she liked the water.
A few pictures from our week at home in between the two Vegas trips.
Mckinley sitting on a pillow watching cartoons. So cute!
Mckinley with an awesome bed head sitting on her little stool brushing her teeth. She's in a "sitting" stage. If she sees something that's her height, she will turn around and walk backwards till she reaches it and then sit down. It's so cute.
I got to go to PF Changs for a lunch shower for my friend Lisa. I told her not to have the baby while I was gone, but she didn't listen. Her baby girl was born on Thursday. My other friend Anna also had a baby the day before we left so I have two new babies to visit this week and I'm so excited!
Okay, now for the trip. These pictures are not in order but I don't want to bother switching them around so we'll just leave it as is.
Mckinley and two of her cousins playing in the pool.
This might be my very favorite picture. We ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory one night and they have this huge aquarium outside the entrance. Mckinley loved watching all the fish and sting rays go by. I love her little pigtails! And aren't her legs just cute in those little capris? Michelle, aren't you the one who gave me this outfit? I love it.
Tahiti Village is right by the Las Vegas airport and Mckinley loved watching the planes go by. She would point and get really excited to see them. There is a tiny plane on the left in this picture that she is looking at.
Me and Mckinley in the pool. We went to the pool at least once every day. She loved wearing my sunglasses.
She is usually pretty mellow when she's in the water but she loved it when we would come "chase her." That's how we got this smile.
Best friends. Mckinley and Brynlee. Waiting for dinner at Cheesecake Factory.
And of course we always have to watch a few water shows at the Bellagio. I could sit there all night and watch them. Mckinley was ready for bed by this time though.
Family picture in the pool.
Brandon has some cousins in Vegas that we had a sweet BBQ with and then later in the week his cousin's husband invited us to come to the airport and tour this 60 million dollar private jet. My camera battery died before we got to go inside so I'm waiting for some pictures from Shellee. ;)
I was lucky enough to go and see The Liong King. Brandon decided not to come. It was such an amazing production.
Mckinley did awesome sleeping in the pack-n-play during our trip. She still found her way to the corner and had some other pretty cute sleeping positions.
If Mckinley ever got fussy by the pool we could just take her over to the hot tub and let her dip her feet in. She loved it so much and would just sit there relaxed forever.
The pool had a little sand beach and I didn't know if Mckinley would like it since she hates grass but she actually enjoyed it.
One day out on the balcony Mckinley kept giving Haley hugs. Then Brandon and Haley both got down to see who Mckinley would come to and she went to Haley. Needless to say, Brandon was quite jealous and Haley was super happy. It was cute.
Most of the time in the water Mckinley would have her feet crossed just hanging out in her tube. Then if you asked her to kick her legs she would. I'm so glad she liked the water.
Mckinley also loves to push things. She's been like this for a while, but now she's been pushing big things, like a shopping cart around the store the other night, and her pack-n-play and her stroller and her music table. It surprises me sometimes that she has the strength to push some of the big things. This was at Concert in the Park on Sunday night.
There are a ton more pictures I could have posted from our trip. It was a lot of fun. I still haven't adjusted back to normal life and I am dreading going grocery shopping.
Today marks Mckinley's 13 month birthday. Just a few things about her at 13 months:
She knows what sounds a dog, cow, and snake make.
She is starting to climb on things.
She tries to repeat the words "amen" and "all done" or "all gone".
She can say shoe. She loves to have her shoes on.
She has 10 teeth with another one close.
She still doesn't like getting dressed.
She takes 2 good naps a day and sleeps about 11 hours at night.
She will cover her eyes if you say "Where's Mckinley?"
She is still super ticklish and loves to laugh. She loves to be chased and loves to play peek-a-boo.
I think that's enough for now. She is so much fun and such a good baby. We always said we would wean her off her binki after our Vegas trip so Sunday night we put it away in the closet and she has done really well without it. She cried for 20 or 30 minutes the first night but every nap or bedtime since then she just whimpers a little and then goes to sleep. She has started being a lot more cuddly and will lay down on our shoulders and just snuggle. I don't know if it's because the binki is gone or maybe because she's teething right now, but we love it!
Looks like sooo much fun and she's getting sooo big. I hope I'll get to meet her in a month when we're in Utah!
Glad you guys had fun in Vegas! McKinley is sooo cute! every picture of her makes me think that :) She's adorable!
Glad you had so much fun! I love the picture of you 3 in the pool - so cute! And love your suit by the way!
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