Well, I got on here and started loading pictures from this party we had the other night before my parents' left, and then I realized I have some other pictures that are too cute not to post so we'll do them first.
Mckinley figured out how to climb up on to the computer chair. I can't believe how big this girl is.
Mckinley has been a little weird with her naps lately. Sometimes she takes them, sometimes she doesn't. And when she doesn't, you'll usually find her every now and then laying on the floor just relaxing.
Crackers anyone? I think Mckinley has a few to share.
Last Friday I went to lunch with my mom, Aunts, and sisters-in-law. We went to Cafe Paesan, it was my first time there and I loved it. It was really fun hanging out with everyone.
Mckinley is so obsessed with babies right now and always wants to hug or kiss them. This is my cute nephew Ezra.

Okay, so now we get to Saturday night. My family all came over and we had dinner and then played Just Dance on the Wii outside with my sister's massive outdoor movie screen. It was a blast!
Ella with Ezra.
My dad with Ezra. (I think this was taken another night but I had to get a picture of both of my parents on here since they are gone now and we didn't really take a goodbye picture.)
My mom with Ezra. (Can you tell we love Ezra? He is so stinking cute and tiny!)
Here is everyone playing Just Dance. This was the first time I'd seen this game and it was really fun. Mckinley was trying to copy everyone, it was so awesome. (Even though this picture doesn't show it.)
And this picture I just had to add because I think it's so funny. Mckinley loves putting people's shoes on and walking around in them. I always love it when kids do that. She totally just started doing it all on her own about a week or two ago and she always does it. Also, she is squatting because for some reason when I tell her to smile, she squats instead. Gotta love the after-nap hair. :)