Brandon and I celebrated our 11th anniversary on June 9th. This year sure was an amazing one and we are at such a good place right now, absolutely loving life!
Brandon's dad printed this cute sign for Mckinley to cut out for us.
We had a fabulous date planned. I asked my mom if all the kids could sleep at her house since I knew we would be gone late. They had a blast of course. So after I dropped them off there I went and got Brandon from work and we had dinner at Carrabba's. Another terrible selfie, ha ha, but it's the only picture I have from the night. Dinner was amazing, as always.

After dinner we headed to the movies. We had tickets to Wonder Woman and both of us were so excited to see it. We walked up to our seats only to find out someone else was sitting in them. Brandon tried to kick them out of our seats but the girl pulled out her tickets and sure enough, both of us had tickets for seats G9 and 10. Brandon noticed that the dates were different so we went to the ticket booth to talk to them about it. The girl sold us tickets for Saturday night instead of Friday night, and of course we had no idea. When you tell someone you want tickets for Friday night, and they sell you tickets, who would ever think to check what date is printed on them? Well, we will forever more now. But anyway, the theater was sold out so there was nothing we could do. The general manager came and talked to us and once he found out it was our anniversary and that we had a babysitter and a time crunch, he felt so bad and did everything he could to make it better. They gave us our money back, with an additional pair of tickets, and gave us drinks and popcorn and sent us in to watch Megan Leavey, a movie we never would have chosen to watch. We were on the 2nd row as well. So a funny experience, but honestly, the movie was okay and we still had fun.
After the movie we headed up to Sundance for the moonlight chairlift ride. This was my first time ever being on a ski lift. Like, ever. It was so fun. We had a great time just chatting and relaxing for about an hour in the mountains, in the dark. Anyway, we had a fabulous night and such a fun time celebrating our anniversary.
I have been loving all the flowers in our front yard right now.
Ava just keeps getting cuter and cuter.
Mckinley got to go to work with Ross for the Force For Good day and do service with her cousins. She had a blast and now she thinks she is a "teenager" because she was old enough to go and do that. Ha ha ha.
Kallie couldn't fall asleep one night and finally just laid on the couch by me while I exercised. She fell asleep five minutes into my video.
I heard Kallie parading around the house on the wood floor in what I thought were high heels. Well, I guess they are high heels. Build a bear high heels. Bahahaha.