Tuesday, June 10, 2008

But Wait...There's More

So I totally thought we were done celebrating our anniversary after that awesome weekend but boy was I wrong. Yesterday was such a fun day! Brandon surprised me in my office at 2:30 p.m. and told me we were leaving early for the day. So we went home and put on our swimming suits, picked up Haley, and headed over to my grandma's pool. We swam for over two hours and had such a good time.

After that we went to Pizza Factory with Brandon's parents for dinner. And....(drum roll please), Brandon bought me TWO DOZEN roses! Wow, talk about shocked. They are so beautiful.

We ended off our night by going to see Kung Fu Panda. It is a must see. I haven't seen Brandon laugh that much in I don't know how long. I laughed a ton too and I don't usually laugh out loud in movies.

So anyway, we had a FABULOUS 2 year anniversary!


Trent & Emily Davies said...

Ahhh what a sweet husband! The flowers are beautiful! It always make me feel so special when I get flowers!!!

Tara Fears said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Hannah S said...

wow! What a nice surprise! He should be racking in the points, right? haha. Who's Haley? a niece?

Blake ~ Amber ~ Noah ~ Jade said...

I think we need to hang out,,, brandon needs to have a talk with my husband!! :)

Losee's said...

Happy Anniversary! What a good husband to do all that for you!

smarts said...

CONGRATs!! Time does fly by and I hope you enjoy every minute of it. What an awesome husband you have and I am positive you are a equally awesome wife. Looks like you had a great time.

Also who is Haley? Just wondering.

Ryan + Jess said...

Wow - 2 years already! Looks like such a fun weekend, and what a good husband to throw some surprises in there. Congrats you guys!

Jake said...

2 years already! I remember going to your reception a whole year before I got married! It is going to be awesome to hang out with you guys once Mal and I get up there.