May was such an awesome month. To tell you just how awesome, I have 272 pictures in my May folder. A lot went on.
We ended the month with a really busy, really fun weekend. Friday night we went to our friends Michael and Ashli's place to hang out with them. We grilled burgers, played some old school games (Yahtzee) and some new school games (Wii) and then watched Transformers. It was such a fun night and long over due.
Saturday we slept in till 11 (ahhh...the joys of not having kids. and the effects of me staying up till 2:30 and Bran staying up till 5:30) and then babysat these two beauties.
Haley. Just chillin' on the porch eating a popsicle (summer time rocks).
Here's sweet Brynlee who has now learned to sit up and was so much fun to play with.
Saturday night we went to a murder mystery dinner at Ross and Cyleste's house. It was a ton of fun. The theme was guys and dolls.
Here's the whole group.
Me and Bran. His character was Johnny Angel, and mine was Barby Q.
8 months ago
You guys are some serious partiers! I dont even know what it would feel like to sleep in until 11am. What a life!
Cute pictures. Thanks again for your guys help!!!shannoncs
Sounds like fun. I love summer!!!
I have never done a murder mystery dinner and have always wanted to. I guess if I want one I'll just have to do it myself. One of these days...The food does look amazing.
Look how cute you guys were at you're murder mystery dinner! Have fun at the cabin, im jealous i can't be up there too :(
Oh I ditched out on an awesome birthday party for a two year old to go hang out with other friends...j/k ;-)
I'm glad you had fun and hooray for sleeping in! And how on earth do you know Ross and Cyleste? I used to work with Cyleste at the same place I'm at right now. She got another job a few years ago. But I actually went to their reception when they got married. It was fun to see them in your pictures.
What a perfect summer. You guys are always super busy with something new and fun. 11:00am. Way to go! Sleeping in is the best.
Cheers to an endless summer of fun!
Wow you guys know how to travel. I love it! It's great to get in contact with you. Can't wait to keep up now.
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