Here we are at our annual Freedom Festival golf night. I love living here close to so much family and I love that Brandon's family has so many yearly traditions like this!!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
T minus one month
Well, it's official. We're moving. In just one month! Most people dread moving and for some reasons, I do too, but for the most part, the question that's always on my mind is "what else can I pack?" Since we'll be living at my parents' house for 9 months, we are storing most of our stuff at Brandon's brother's house and then just taking a little bit with us. So, we've been packing some of the stuff that we can just put in storage that we don't use now. Which is actually a lot of stuff. Makes you wonder why you have it if you don't use it?
Anyway, I love dejunking and going through things and I am just excited for CHANGE. We were so lucky to be able to find renters in less than 24 hours! We're renting to the first people who came and looked at our place. If my camera wasn't broken I could show you the packing mess. We've already moved a few things and I'm starting to drive Brandon crazy because all I want to do is pack and move more things.
Pictureless posts are not very exciting. If my camera wasn't broken I would post a picture of Mckinley climbing into her baby bouncer and bouncing up and down so high that it hits the ground. And a picture of her climbing into her diaper caddy. And up into her old carseat. And doing a flip into an empty box that she tried to climb on. Can you tell she likes to climb? She is so stinking cute and we are just having a blast with her every day.
We went miniature golfing at Cascade on Monday, a yearly tradition we do with Brandon's family. My sister-in-law Jessica took a picture for us and when she sends it to me, I'll post it. We've got a fun week ahead with the 4th of July coming up. Summer is really here.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 12:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 24, 2011
Bishop Family Vacation
Here she is in the car seat box. I thought for sure I'd be able to shut the lid with her in it but she was a little too tall. I think I still feel like she's little but it's time to realize she's not.
Okay anyway, enough of that. So on Tuesday this week my whole family got together to go to the zoo and then we stayed overnight at a fun resort at Snowbird.
It's been so long since I've been to Hogle Zoo. It seems like they got rid of some of the real animals to make room for these big fake dinosaurs that move and make noises and some of them squirt water. I'd rather see real animals, but oh well.
It was a super hot day and there were tons of people at the zoo, but I love the zoo so much so I was still glad we went.
Mckinley wasn't as in to it as I thought she'd be. She always gets so excited at home when she hears dogs or birds and stuff so I thought she'd love all the animals but there were times when we couldn't even get her to look at them.
She wouldn't sleep in her stroller at all so she was pretty overdue for a nap by the time we were done.
Checking out the snake. Mckinley will say "tssssss" if you ask her what a snake says. It's so cute!
I think maybe she could beat up an infant gorilla...not that she would...
Usually the hippopotamus is my favorite animal at the zoo (don't ask me why, just always has been) but since there are apparently none of them at Hogle Zoo anymore, this gorilla was my favorite of the day. He wrapped himself up in this sheet and had one leg over the other knee, just like any human would do on a hot day.
After the zoo we headed over to our resort at Snowbird and jumped straight into the pool. It was kind of cool swimming in a heated pool right next to the snowy mountains.
Here's me struggling up the easiest course on the rock climbing wall while my 9-year old nephew Brecken schooled me on the hardest one.
The view from our room. It looks all cold but we were constantly putting sunscreen on and wearing shorts. The weather was awesome.
And there she is with a mouthful of it. Anyone who knows Mckinley knows this girl loves her food. I'm pretty sure she'd eat all day long if we let her.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 10:29 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Such a big girl
If it wasn't official before, it's official now. We don't have a baby anymore. Mckinley acts like she's such a big girl. She is so adorable and we just love her more than we ever could have dreamed.
She is starting to smile on command. This was at 7 Peaks the other day.
She'll even smile now when no one's behind the camera. I love it.
Look at her looking all grown up and stuff on a chair helping me make (eat) banana bread.
I have been wanting to do Mckinley's hand and foot prints for a long time. We stripped her down the other day and took her out in the back to attempt it. I thought it would be easier with two people (I tried it on my own when she was like 6 or 7 months) but we still barely got one hand print and one print of each of her adorable feet. I guess one is all you need though, right? Anyway, she had fun playing with the water coming out of the hose.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 10:04 AM 5 comments
Saturday, June 11, 2011
June 9, 2011
Here we are on our 5 year anniversary. We went to Cafe Rio for lunch, then got pizza and a movie to watch at home that night.
Friday we got Brandon's mom to watch Mckinley so we could go see Kung Fu Panda 2 and afterwards we ate at Red Robin.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 10:01 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 9, 2011
June 9
Then Brandon told me he got me a 1-hour massage! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to use it.
We are going to lunch today and then tomorrow night we are going to dinner and a movie and hopefully Mckinley will be having a sleepover somewhere else so we can sleep in!!! My guess is that she'll sleep over somewhere else and then we'll wake up early on our own anyway, but I'm sure going to try my best to sleep in till 11.
Looking back...
June 9, 2006

June 9, 2007
June 9, 2008
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 10:12 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Back to back Vegas trips
A few pictures from our week at home in between the two Vegas trips.
Mckinley sitting on a pillow watching cartoons. So cute!
Okay, now for the trip. These pictures are not in order but I don't want to bother switching them around so we'll just leave it as is.
This might be my very favorite picture. We ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory one night and they have this huge aquarium outside the entrance. Mckinley loved watching all the fish and sting rays go by. I love her little pigtails! And aren't her legs just cute in those little capris? Michelle, aren't you the one who gave me this outfit? I love it.
Tahiti Village is right by the Las Vegas airport and Mckinley loved watching the planes go by. She would point and get really excited to see them. There is a tiny plane on the left in this picture that she is looking at.
Me and Mckinley in the pool. We went to the pool at least once every day. She loved wearing my sunglasses.
She is usually pretty mellow when she's in the water but she loved it when we would come "chase her." That's how we got this smile.
Best friends. Mckinley and Brynlee. Waiting for dinner at Cheesecake Factory.
And of course we always have to watch a few water shows at the Bellagio. I could sit there all night and watch them. Mckinley was ready for bed by this time though.
Family picture in the pool.
Brandon has some cousins in Vegas that we had a sweet BBQ with and then later in the week his cousin's husband invited us to come to the airport and tour this 60 million dollar private jet. My camera battery died before we got to go inside so I'm waiting for some pictures from Shellee. ;)
Mckinley did awesome sleeping in the pack-n-play during our trip. She still found her way to the corner and had some other pretty cute sleeping positions.
If Mckinley ever got fussy by the pool we could just take her over to the hot tub and let her dip her feet in. She loved it so much and would just sit there relaxed forever.
The pool had a little sand beach and I didn't know if Mckinley would like it since she hates grass but she actually enjoyed it.
One day out on the balcony Mckinley kept giving Haley hugs. Then Brandon and Haley both got down to see who Mckinley would come to and she went to Haley. Needless to say, Brandon was quite jealous and Haley was super happy. It was cute.
Most of the time in the water Mckinley would have her feet crossed just hanging out in her tube. Then if you asked her to kick her legs she would. I'm so glad she liked the water.
I think that's enough for now. She is so much fun and such a good baby. We always said we would wean her off her binki after our Vegas trip so Sunday night we put it away in the closet and she has done really well without it. She cried for 20 or 30 minutes the first night but every nap or bedtime since then she just whimpers a little and then goes to sleep. She has started being a lot more cuddly and will lay down on our shoulders and just snuggle. I don't know if it's because the binki is gone or maybe because she's teething right now, but we love it!
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 8:06 AM 3 comments