Brandon and I made a bet (yes, I know, it doesn't make much sense seeing as we're married and we share money) about Mckinley crawling. Brandon bet she would be crawling before my parents got home and I bet she wouldn't.
Well, my parents come home today. In fact, as I type they are in California hanging out with two of my brothers and I get to see them late tonight at the airport. It still doesn't seem real.
With only a day to spare, Mckinley started crawling yesterday. She's still learning, but I told Brandon that if she moves at all on all fours, he wins the bet. It was a small bet anyway, if I won, I got jamba juice and if he won, he got $10. Not an even bet, I know, but I loooove jamba.
Anyway, if this video ever loads, you will be able to see Mckinley crawling for about 2 seconds. Enjoy. :)
Okay, I hate blogger when it comes to adding videos. Thank goodness for youtube.
Nevermind, I can't get it to work on youtube either. I guess you all know what it looks like to see a kid crawling anyway. If I can figure it out later, I'll add the video.
Holy crap I am going to see my parents in 6 hours. I can't believe it.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Just in Time
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Hong Kong is Here to Stay
My paper chain that started with 90 links is now down to 4. My parents come home in 4 days, and I can hardly believe it. We thought we would be saying goodbye to Hong Kong, but now we are saying HELLO to it again. My little sister opened her mission call last night and believe it or not, she got called to the China Hong Kong mission speaking Cantonese!!!!! Holy cow I can hardly believe it!!!!

Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 9:30 AM 13 comments
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Latest and Greatest
Holy cow I really don't know how this girl could get any more fun. Brandon taught her a new trick a few days ago. How cute is that tiny tongue???
Here's the video.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 10:08 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
This was supposed to be a post with a video of Mckinley's newest super cute trick but the video won't load. So I guess we will just celebrate that it's post #200 and put a few pictures on here. I will try again in a new post with the video and may have to resort to putting it on youtube.
So proud that she pulled all the diapers out.
I love it when kids become little begging puppy dogs. This girl wants to eat anything and everything we're eating. Confession: I don't like sharing food (and especially treats) with kids. Bad. I know. She ate half my shepherd's pie. I am definitely going to have to learn how to share.
Last night was her first bath in the big tub. Crazy. She is growing up.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 8:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Pictures. It's all I got.
Sometimes I wish my blog was clever or funny or remotely entertaining. I read other people's blogs who are such good writers and it makes me realize how boring my blog is. Sometimes I wish I had advice to give or something to write about that would make people stop and just think. But, life is what it is, people, and unless I have pictures, I don't blog. And all I ever do is add a few pictures, and let people know what's happening in them. So, I'm going to do what I do best. Add some pictures and call it a blog post.
Can't believe Mckinley can stand and play with this toy all on her own.
This is Mckinley with her Aunt Heidi (my little sister). We went to Heidi's house one day to visit her. We had a lot of fun. Mckinley and I sat on the bed and Heidi sat next to us in her wheelchair. At one point, Mckinley leaned over and grabbed the control to Heidi's wheelchair and drove it a bit. She's such a curious baby and always wanting to touch/grab/lunge for new things.
Haley came over to our house one day to watch a football game and ended up upstairs reading a book to Mckinley in her rocking chair. How cute is that?
Even though all we do is take pictures of Mckinley, here's proof that Brandon and I still exist. (Although I guess you already knew we existed, otherwise who would be taking all these pictures of Mckinley?) This was last Saturday while we were making an awesome breakfast of pancakes and eggs on our new griddle.
Mckinley is so happy (even though the poor thing has been sick for over 3 weeks now) and she actually smiles now when I get the camera out. (for the first picture at least) It's awesome.
Hanging out in her exercauser in the kitchen.
Happy as can be since I gave her a magazine from the mail to play with and chew on.
Is it bad that I gave her my candy cane to suck on so she would stop crying? Look at those cute cute thighs. You can't help but just squeeze them!!
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 9:51 AM 5 comments
Monday, January 17, 2011
Family Pictures. Again.
Well, we got family pictures taken again. This time with Brandon's entire family. The goal is to get one printed for his parents' house to replace the one that's there. It's only about 12 years old I think.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 8:52 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
One Year Older And Wiser Too
Happy Birthday on January 4th to the best dad and husband anyone could ever ask for.
We had a fun New Years Eve. We had some amazing food over at Brandon's parents house. His dad bought all sorts of noise makers and confetti and stuff, so after a burst of fun, everyone got right to work cleaning up the mess. I'm still finding pieces of confetti in Mckinley's diaper bag.
Mckinley's hair is long enough to put in a tiny ponytail on the top of her head. It's so fun and so stinking cute!
Now tell me this picture isn't cute. Mckinley got the cutest white furry jacket from one of the doctors I work for.
It's hard to believe that in 2 days Mckinley will be 8 months old. She has grown up so much and gets more and more fun every day. She has quite a few newly learned tricks. She will spit out her binki on demand (even did it over skype for my mom and sister - so awesome!), she can clap, she kind of waves, if you say "give me a kiss" she will usually look straight at you until you kiss her, she is getting super close to crawling (at least it seems that way). She smiles at anyone and everyone, she is a super good sleeper and has learned how to find her binki when it falls out which means I get to stay in bed more at night. She hates getting her mouth wiped after eating, loves getting her diaper changed, loves taking a bath, but doesn't love getting dressed for some reason. I have no idea how much she weighs or how long she is. I never do that on my own but maybe I should since she doesn't have a doctor appointment for another month still.
Posted by Stephanie Salmon at 6:34 PM 5 comments